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BSDQ™ Impacts on Business

If your organization offers consumer, business or utility services, improvements in service delivery quality can lead to significant decline in costs, increase in customer-confidence and hike in repeat business. BSDQ™ credential doesn’t just enhance the marketing might of a certified organization and adds to its business attractiveness for generating more business and multiplying clients.

The very process of attaining the BSDQ™ certification prepares and tones-up the organization for significantly improved service delivery performance. Service delivery excellence has a direct impact on growth, productivity, workforce performance levels and on the all-round capabilities to deliver more value to clients.

  • Grow Business Surer & Faster

    By ingraining service delivery excellence in the DNA of an organization, BSDQ™ improves its agility and responsiveness to environmental changes, eventually leading to heightened competitiveness. The compliance to BSDQ™ helps BSDQ™-certified organizations develop process-reflexes that can anticipate change better and hence facilitate ahead-of-the-curve innovations in services, products and value propositions. BSDQ™-certified organizations experience a perceptible reduction in costs of operations due to improved process efficiencies and also, an increase in revenues due to increased market attractiveness. Monitored over a period of two years, BSDQ™ certified organizations tend to show strengthened bottomlines and toplines and a far more positive business continuity outlook. The PRIDE approach to implementing BSDQ™ helps BCI certified organizations embed service delivery excellence in their DNA, giving them a much sharpened competitive edge in the long term.

  • Enhance Process & System Productivity

    The process of BSDQ™ certification in a services enterprise or a service vendor involves a rigorous exercise of making its service delivery systems and processes compliant to BSDQ™ 6.1. This exercise, however, in reality, “forces” the management to look at structures beyond its operations and service-delivery departments and serves to overhaul the entire organizational system. It’s almost like “cleaning” up the organization, weeding off redundancies and “liability processes” and making the work-culture more “excellence conscious” and customer-focused. The exercise directly drives productivity up – shortening of decision circuits; acceleration of instructional communication; snappier innovation cycles; and more pre-emptive and anticipatory monitoring of productivity performance. Sustained BSDQ™ compliance built though the PRIDE approach leads to having a system with well-synced processes with excellence paradigms seeped right down to their DNAs. The workforce, managers and technology – all work together better in BSDQ™ certified organizations making business processes deliver more.

  • Sharpen Business Agility

    Agile service-provider outfits show a greater probability of remaining ahead of the curve simply because they can anticipate change faster and earlier than most others, and they react much before threats can numb them or opportunities can slip by. The ability to adapt their service delivery speed, style and quality to emerging market requirements is most critical for business services and outsourcing companies particularly because of their clients’ needs to remain responsive to their customers’ changing demands and expectations. Aligning service delivery system to the BCI BSDQ™ helps organizations remove dead weight off their processes and become nimbler. The “cleaning” up of deadwood and the de-weeding of redundancies that happens during BSDQ™ implementation tends to sharpen the service delivery processes besides making the work-culture more “excellence conscious” and customer-focused in the long term. An organization’s processes give it the reflexes desired to pro-act or react to change, and the BSDQ™ implementation exercise helps build a “positive nervous energy” and alertness into its people and the work-environment. BSDQ™ compliance leads to having faster communication and decisioning and more pre-emptive and anticipatory monitoring of productivity performance - even in the wake of emerging and new requirements.

  • Drive Value Up for Clients

    Industry 4.0 interconnects businesses through their value chains, and spells increased challenges and a higher standards bar for service providers. To wit, expectations of value from their BPO vendors by clients has now come to include much more than delivery of high service productivity at lower costs. Most clients today desire their service-providers to function as their first interface to change; as their “buffers” to adversity; and even as their “net” for opportunities, besides supplying contracted services. Being so many things for clients is not easy for service businesses – especially large utility companies - as many still function through traditional business processes. BSDQ™ certified organizations operate at the highest level of service delivery architecture, and hence are sharply agile to evolving business needs of clients and more responsive to the attendant product, productivity and performance requirements. That’s why they can spot a change faster and earlier than most others, and they react much before threats can numb the client or competitors scoot away with opportunities. The ability of the BSDQ™ Certified organizations to adapt their service delivery speed, style and quality to emerging market requirements helps clients receive services that are always best in class and cost effective. However, from clients’ perspective, perhaps the most interesting and attractive addition to BSDQ™ certified organizations is their capability to innovate breakthrough product and service ideas for clients, which can provide a decisive competitive edge to them and add value. Conformance to BSDQ™ helps organizations develop processes that enable service providers innovate value-added services for their customers and clients, and augment their clients’ current offerings for a higher market premium.

  • Increase Workforce Productivity

    HR is a key attention area during the BSDQ™ implementation and compliance-audit process. Apart from the fact that invigorated and more streamlines business processes increase employees’ potential for performance and help increase productivity all-round, the BSDQ™ certification process revolutionizes the very way employees are managed. The BCI BSDQ™ orchestrates comprehensive changes in how human resource is hired, inducted, engaged, motivated, compensated and driven for higher performance. Its major contribution, however, is in the manner in which the responsibility of talent management and employee handling is “pulled out” from the HR department and entrusted to every department-head. The PRIDE approach to BSDQ™ conformance enriches business processes with relevance and impact-consciousness and employees therefore extract more from the system. BSDQ™ certified organizations are distinctly agile, and so is their workforce. Employees can anticipate and welcome change fast, and adapt their service delivery speed, style and quality to the demands of the changed environment. In fact, a significant bit of the productivity advantages delivered by BSDQ™ to a service business are done through expanding the workforce-capacity for higher productivity. BSDQ™ -certified organizations observing sustained conformance to BSDQ™ eventually develop a more energetic work environment where productivity and quality remain at constantly high levels despite change.

  • Ensures Sustainable Service Quality

    Managing Service Quality in BPO organizations generally remains a cryptic and difficult-to-manage result area as long as the operations and delivery departments remain the sole custodians of Quality. As if this is not enough, the constant employee churn and attrition further complicates the task of building Quality a part of life for workforce. Organizations that have embraced TQM or other quality paradigms feel a little more relieved, however, as quality consciousness is more distributed and diffused across the organization and does not remain a baby of the QA department alone. One of the many advantages of implementing BSDQ™ is the “democratization” of Quality which is brought about by making Quality principles easy to understand and practice for employees who are not so technically literate. In BSDQ™ certified organizations, the language of Quality is what can be understood by the BPO workforce, and not like what generally it is in IT organizations – from where many BPO companies tend to borrow quality systems! Equally importantly, sustained BSDQ™ compliance makes BSDQ™ certified BPO companies develop processes and practices that help new employees learn the Quality ropes fast – a critical need for organizations where at any given point in time, at least 15% of the workforce is new! This helps keep the Quality apparatus working and in one piece - despite change and attrition. Technically, BSDQ™ seeks to set up rigorous quality monitoring, measurement and management systems and the model talks to virtually all types of Quality systems obviating the need for organizations to change to newer set of quality principles.

To share your own experiences of how your organization has grown better and improved its business development rate in recent years, please write to us at

We may choose to publish your contribution and select it for a special international appreciation. You may also win a BCI professional certification Voucher for yourself in the process! And remember, there’s fair chance that your organization too may win a privilege voucher for BSDQ™ certification!