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Human Competence Master Standards

World’s Most Dynamic Competence Standards for BPO Professionals

The HCMS21 standards for BPO professionals enunciates professional standards across 21 competence attributes and professional pre-requisites and covers all six levels of BPO operatives and functionaries – from business & functional leaders and managers to team leaders, senior associates and fresh, young service associates and agents.

Starting off with 14 competence and professional capability parameters for only the Agent/ Associate level operatives in late nineties, the HCMS today enunciates professional standards across 21 competence attributes and professional pre-requisites (and hence HCMS21) and covers all six levels of BPO operatives and functionaries – from business & functional leaders and mangers to team leaders, senior associates and fresh, young service officers and agents.

Various versions of HCMS21 dictate the BCI list of Knowledge & Competence Pre-requisites (KCPs) for each certification. These KCPs in turn form the bedrock for assessment and competence evaluation strategies, policies and coverage for BCI certifications.

BCI standards framework spells out competence needs for BPO professionals across three prongs – knowledge, skills and perspective, creating a body of knowledge that specifies the theories, tool-use abilities, and the contexts of application of theories, techniques and tools.

The HCMS21 set of credentials for professional certification have been devised keeping in mind well-defined set of observable and measurable knowledge, abilities, skills and behaviors that employees must apply to their roles to perform effectively and to achieve results and outputs aligned with the goals of their teams, departments and eventually, their organization.

The HCMS21 framework could be summarized using three fundamentals


Core – which is implicitly required by all levels (irrespective of seniority) in an enterprise to be able to successfully meet expectations aligning oneself with the company’s moto, values & plans.


Common - a set of capabilities that is required by an entire unit along with the core competencies.


Position – an aptitude that is particular to designation or even mutual competencies between two or more positions. Position competencies – HCMS21 defines them across SIX levels - including technical competencies, which refer to role-specific occupational skills gained from education or training or which are based in a niche of expertise.

To know more about how you or your organization can benefit from the HCMS, please write to us at

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